Monthly Archives: május 2018

PASCAL International Observatory Site Digest for 08/05/18

A PASCAL Observatory honlap gyűjtése:

eucen Highlights | April 2018

Tanulni egy életen át

Here is the latest CR&DALL Site Digest for 26/04/18

SkillHUBS Newsletter Issue 1


VLL Konferencia

8th Visual Learning Conference

25 éves a szakképzési törvény – Korszakos változások – új irányok

25 éves a szakképzési törvény – Korszakos változások – új irányok

Here is the latest CR&DALL Site Digest for 03/05/18

A CR-DALL honlap válogatása:

Invitation international conference Beyond Employability Florence 11 May 2018


Dear Colleagues

we are pleased to invite you to the International Conference “Beyond Employability: Future Competences for Higher Education” scheduled on 11 May 2018 in Florence, Department of Education and Psychology, University of Florence, Via Laura 48.

The Conference will investigate, both locally and internationally, research and practices in the following fields:

–          Employability and transitions,

–          Gender and the work transitions,

–          Service learning as tool for the care of the self and of the world,

–          Career service

The international focus will be offered by selected speakers from Georgia and Penn State University as well as from the IES Evampace (Zaragoza).

The Conference could perhaps be a nice May work and travel programme for someone!

If you would like to receive some more information, please write me or to the email address

Participation is free of charge and registration is mandatory by filling in the following form:

Best wishes

On behalf of Prof. Vanna Boffo



PASCAL International Observatory Site Digest for 01/05/18