XIII. Mellearn 2017 Conference Call

Conference Call

The Hungarian Universities Lifelong Network Association – MELLearN and Budapest Business
School co-organise the 13th National and International Conference about Lifelong Learning
and Higher Education on 20-21. 2017, focusing on the theme of:

Higher Education, Lifelong Learning and the Achievements of the
UN Sustainable Development Goals

Felsőoktatás, életen át tartó tanulás és az ENSZ fenntartható fejlesztési célok
Planned strands:
Correlations of lifelong learning and sustainable development;
The Role of HEIs in the Achievement of UN Sustainable Development Goals: Economic and
Social Dimensions;
Scrutiny of Relations in Between Sustainability and Quality in Higher Education;
Lifelong Learning and Sustainable Environmental Protection by the Involvement of Higher
Education: Choices and Barriers;
Sustainable Development, Quality Education and the Financing of Learning: Choices and

Venue: Budapest Business School – Hungary
Time: 20-21. April, 2017.

During the Conference, distinguished policy makers, researchers and academic staff will use their keynotes and presentations, enter into round-table talks so as to analyse some essential aspects and trends of individual, collective or organisational learning within higher education environment with attention to conditions like contents, methodology, time, practice and resources.
In case you decide to participate our conference,
may we ask you to send us your registration form and
abstract by 31. March, 2017
to the following address:
MELLearN 2017 Conference partners are the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference, Tempus Public Foundation and eucen