Aims of the Association
MELLearN – Hungarian Universities Lifelong Learning Network Association promotes the followings:
- Provision of Lifelong Learning in accordance with the needs of the labour market;
- Implementation of the principles and claims of the European Memorandum on Lifelong Learning in local, regional, national and international activities;
- Cross-border partnership building with local and regional dimensions;
- Promoting and developing connections in between higher education and non HE institutions;
- Enhancing the culture of quality amongst member institutions;
- Searching for appropriate communication channels;
- Researching and Development of appropriate continuing education represented by member institutions;
- Promoting consensus-based positions, in alliance with major representative professional HE bodies, like Hungarian Rectors’ Conference, and represent a common voice towards decision making fora and, also, towards, member institutions;
- Collaborations in raising participation in Higher Education and its programmes throughout Hungary;
- Platform building actions with member institutions towards potential clients;
- Promoting international comparative work and partnership in the field of adult learning and education with research and innovation orientations;
- Improving the publicity of MELLearN activities at conferences, meetings, workshops and other particular events to deal with quality learning in/with higher education. Therefore, MELLearN publishes a quarterly newsletter, and circulates all its documents, reports towards its members at its website.