Daily Archives: 2021.09.01.
Learning city Conference in Global Learning City Pécs-Hungary for 23 September 2021
Dear Colleagues,
May I hereby send you the current version of the Programme of the Learning City Conference in Pécs-Hungary for 23 September 2021.
Venue: House of Civic Communities – Hybrid mode conference
I thank you for your kind engagement and having sent me your keynote working titles.
As for the two planned afternoon workshops for the day, we are opening registration for those who may want to participate with presentations referring to thematic focuses addressed.
The final programme will be ready for distribution by 13 September 2021.
May I ask yoo to share this attached draft as Programme to your colleagues, partner organisations and institutions to share info where to register to this event!
Registration for presenters into workshops and for participants will close on 8 September 2021.
All relevant info will be accessible here: http://ptf.ckh.hu
I am looking forward to your comments and reflections!
With all best regards,
Dr. Balázs Németh
Professor of Adult Learning and Education – University of Pécs
Senior Advisor of UNESCO Global Learning City Pécs Programme
UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning Bulletin, August 2021
Az UNESCO Lifelong Learning Intézet (UIL) aktuális hírlevele: https://mailchi.mp/unesco/unesco-institute-for-lifelong-learning-bulletin-august-2021?e=8f25ba190e