Monthly Archives: december 2020
PASCAL International Observatory Site Digest for 08/12/20
A PASCAL Observatory aktuális hírválogatása:
Elm Magazine newsletter – How can adult education make democracy stronger?
Az ELM magazine legfrissebb száma:
How can adult education make democracy stronger?

PASCAL International Observatory Site Digest for 15/12/20
A PASCAL hírválogatása:

[epale newsletter] EPALE discussion: Basic Skills Provision in Prisons
Az EPALE aktuális hírlevele:

Learning Cities Zoom-Webinar_17_12_2020 – Call and Draft Programme
Dear Learning City Partners in the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities – GNLC,
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
Let me send you the Call for the Learning City Zoom Webinar of EPALE Hungary with its Draft Programme attached in PDF Format!
May I ask you to share it with relevant partner Networks and Organisations of adult and lifelong learning you and your distinguished organisations/institutions are involved to promote and develop learning cities and learning communities.
Event:Roles of City Councils and Respected Stakeholders in the Development of Learning Cities
Date: Thursday, 17th December 2020 time: 13.00 – 14.00 CET
Join Zoom Meeting
Time: Dec 17, 2020 01:00 PM Budapest
Meeting ID: 992 4135 3763
Passcode: 136906
I thank you all in advance who are making an input to this event!
With all best regards in awaiting Christmas!
Dr. Balázs NÉMETH
Associate Professor in ALE
Senior Expert – UNESCO Global Learning City Pécs Programme –
EPALE Hungary Ambassador
Here is the latest CR&DALL Site Digest for 03/12/20

A CR&DALL hírválogatása:
eucen Highlights | November 2020
Az eucen programok felhívását alább olvashatják: