Invitation_ Learning City conference in hybrid mode in Pécs for Thursday, 23 September 2021.
Dear Colleagues,
May I hereby send you the draft programme of the Learning City Conference of Global Learning City Pécs for Thursday, 23 September!
Can you please share this info at the websites of your distinguished organisations/institutions in LLL for wider communities.
Connecting Creative, Smart and Inclusive Dimensions of Urban Developments
Responses from Learning Cities and Regions
Hybrid Format Conference on 23 September 2021
House of Civic Communities in Pécs (CKH), Hungary –
in Association with the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities
PASCAL International Observatory
ASEM LLL HUB Research Network on Learning Cities
the University of Pécs, MELLearN and EPALE Hungary
Registration: Conference Call | Tanuló Város Fesztivál 2021 (
Thank you for your kind engagement and support!
With all best regards,
Dr. Balázs Németh
UNESCO Global Learning City Pécs Programme – Senior Specialist