Call for papers from the ADCAL network 2024. október 24-26. Portugal
ESREA Active Democratic Citizenship and Adult Learning (ADCAL) Research Network Conference
Időpont: 2024. október 24-26.
Helyszín:Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, the University of Algarve in Faro, Portugal
téma: Thinking against the grain: Critical Pedagogy, Popular Education and Revolution
Dear colleagues and members of the ESREA network on Active Democratic Citizenship and Adult Learning,
We are very happy to share with you the call for papers for the network’s next conference which is to be held in Faro, Portugal on 24-26 october later this year.
In past network events we have explored a range of topics – from engaging in a series of dialogues during the Covid19 pandemic on the theme of freedom and what we might learn from experiments in democracy, to convening live in Belgrade last year looking to explore the limits of what we know. Following the exciting and vital conversations generated in these events, we next want to turn to radical ideas as they relate to popular education. The conference theme for this year is „Thinking against the grain: Critical Pedagogy, Popular Education and Revolution” and you can find our first call for papers attached to this e-mail.
We warmly invite your contributions and hope to see you in Faro later this year!
With best wishes,
Fergal Finnegan, Maja Maksimovic and Diana Holmqvist
convenors for the network