Category Archives: Hírlevelek

Your UIIN Newsletter this May 2018

UIIN (University Industry Innovation Network) Newslette – May 3128 Hírlevél:

Receiving the L&W Newsletter – please confirm!

A L&W, tehát az Európai Learning and Work kutató-platfotm legújabb hírlevele:

Newsletter for European Research in Learning and Work (L&W Newsletter)

Dear Colleague


I have had the pleasure of sending you the Newsletter for European Research in Learning and Work (L&W Newsletter). Your email address is included in the L&W mailing list run by the Research Forum WIFO. According to new rules (see Data Protection), we need to ask you to confirm whether or not you wish to remain on this list.


The L&W mailing list is used only for posting the bi-monthly L&W Newsletter. It includes calls for papers and updates on European conferences, network events, publications and projects (see L&W Newsletter). Your contact details are stored securely by WIFO and are not shared with third parties.

If you are happy to continue receiving the L&W Newsletter, please return this email to the address above (, but without adding any text. If you choose NOT to remain on the L&W list, please just ignore this message (without returning it!). Your email address will then be deleted.


It would be helpful to have your confirmation by 31 May 2018 – before the next L&W Newsletter appears!


Many thanks!!

Best wishes

Sabine Manning

Editor of the L&W Newsletter

PASCAL International Observatory Site Digest for 15/05/18

A PASCAL Int. Observatory honlap-válogatás:

NEMO – Newsletter 05/2018

PASCAL International Observatory Site Digest for 08/05/18

A PASCAL Observatory honlap gyűjtése:

eucen Highlights | April 2018

Here is the latest CR&DALL Site Digest for 26/04/18

25 éves a szakképzési törvény – Korszakos változások – új irányok

25 éves a szakképzési törvény – Korszakos változások – új irányok

Here is the latest CR&DALL Site Digest for 03/05/18

A CR-DALL honlap válogatása:

PASCAL International Observatory Site Digest for 01/05/18