Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe hírlevele:
Legutóbbi bejegyzések
- A new year full of opportunities for lifelong learning with LLLP
- Tanuló szervezet-e az egyetem? – Kossuth Klub 2024. december 16.
- PASCAL International Observatory Site Digest for 14/01/25
- SZAKOKTATÓK KONFERENCIÁJA 2025 – 2025. január 31. (péntek) 10.00-17.00 óra PTE KPVK Szekszárd, Rákóczi u. 1.
- eucen Highlights | December 2024
International Journal of Lifelong Education
- Shifting the pendulum on gender equality and social inclusion through emerging approaches to citizenship education
- Immigrant seniors’ multiliteracies at a crossroad: pandemic, infodemic, and digital competencies
- Recognition of immigrant professionals’ prior learning: an integrative review of the literature
- Adult literacy education and the sustainable development goals in four case countries: can’t get there from here
- Temporality and lifelong education and learning
- Digital skills use profiles among older workers in the United States: a person-centered approach
- Policy vs. practice. An analysis of the course provision of Finnish study centres between 2016 and 2021
- Life satisfaction and lifelong learning: the role of intrinsic motivation and adaptation of the MSSP lifelong learning scale
- Towards a more equitable education: a lens into EFL teachers’ pedagogical barriers in online assessments
- Adult educators’ practices to promote and facilitate social connectedness in online learning sessions
EPALE Magyarország
Szakmai folyóiratok
European Lifelong Learning Magazine/ELM: https://elmmagazine.eu/
Felnőttképzési Szemle: http://epa.oszk.hu/01200/01251
Neveléstudomány: http://nevelestudomany.elte.hu/
Szakképzési Szemle: http://www.matarka.hu/szam_list.php?fsz=447
Tudásmenedzsment: http://kpvk.pte.hu/content/megjelent-szamok-tudasmenedzsment
EDUCATIO: http://www.hier.iif.hu/hu/educatio.php
International Journal of Lifelong Education: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/tled20
International Review of Education:
ELM MAGAZINE: http://www.elmmagazine.eu/theme-issues/
Opus et Educatio: http://opuseteducatio.hu/index.php/opusHU