Daily Archives: 2018.12.10.
AED – 85. szám (2018)
Megjelent az Adult Eduction and Development (AED) legújabb száma – 85. (2018), melynek címe:
Role and Impact of Adult Education
Rövid ismertető: What role does adult education play in society and in the lives of individuals? How can adult educators ensure that their programmes and offers achieve the desired impact? And how can we measure impact? Contributors from over 20 countries reflect on these and other questions in issue 85 (2018) of Adult Education and Development on the “role and impact of adult education”.
A teljes szám és korábbi számok letölthetők itt:
[L&W] Latest news on European research in learning and work – December 2018
Newsletter for European Research in Learning and Work [L&W]