Monthly Archives: szeptember 2021
PASCAL International Observatory Site Digest for 29/09/21
A PASCAL aktuális hírválogatása:
International Online Event on the Future of University Education | October 1, 2021 | 10.00 am – 4.30 pm (CET)
Dear Ladies and Gentleman,
Dear colleagues,
We heartily invite you to join the discussion on the future of university education:
CACE – Crossroads in Academic Continuing Education | Assembly Beyond Borders
Friday, October 1, 2021 | from 10.00 am to 4.30 pm (CET) | online
Save the date and register for free. Please find the schedule online.
- Antonio Loprieno, President | European Federation of Academies of Science and Humanities, ALLEA (All European Academies) [EU]
- Betty Vandenbosch, Chief Content Officer | Coursera [USA]
- Susan Grajek, Vice President for Partnerships, Communities, and Research | EDUCAUSE [USA]
- George Iwama, President and Vice-Chancellor | Quest University Canada [CAN]
- Jörg Schubert, Senior Partner | McKinsey [UAE]
Changing societal challenges require universities to continuously reconsider their roles and innovate their propositions to meet future generations’ needs. This year’s one-day digital event addresses these challenges and aims to familiarize its audience with innovative approaches and encourage everyone to think outside the box. CACE connects people with outstanding ideas, facilitates innovation and best practices exchange.
We look forward to seeing you at the conference.
Please feel free to share the event with your network.
Kind regards,
Oktatás és képzés az EU-ban és itthon – a Tempus Közalapítvány szakpolitikai hírlevele
A Tempus aktuális hírlevele:

PASCAL International Observatory Site Digest for 14/09/21
A PASCAL Observatory legújabb hírválogatása:
International Literacy Day 2021
Az UNESCO UIL rendhagyó hírlevele:
International Literacy Day 2021 – UNESCO UIL Special Bulletin

Meghívó: A felsőoktatás nemzetköziesítése 2021 konferencia (2021.10.05.)
A Tempus Közalapítvány szeretettel meghívja Önt és munkatársait A felsőoktatás nemzetköziesítése 2021 című konferenciára, amelyet 2021. október 5-én (kedden), a budapesti Danubius Hotel Heliában kerül megrendezésre, 10 órai kezdettel. A program részét délelőtt plenáris előadások, délután pedig workshopok képezik. A konferencia a Campus Mundi és a Stipendium Hungaricum programok támogatásával valósul meg.
Az esemény meghívója ezen a linken érhető el és a fájl letöltés után megtekinthető: Campus Mundi konferencia 2021 Meghívó
A konferencia célja az elmúlt években a felsőoktatás nemzetköziesítése területén történt változások és az elért eredmények feltérképezése, különösen az oktatók és a felsőoktatási vezetők szemszögéből. A rendezvény fórumot kíván biztosítani a nemzetköziesítés aktuális kérdéseinek megvitatására, valamint a Campus Mundi és a Stipendium Hungaricum programok keretében, illetve a felsőoktatási intézményekben megvalósított eredmények bemutatására. A konferencia lehetőséget teremt továbbá a hazai és nemzetközi gyakorlatok, jó példák megismerésére.
Az esemény részletes programja, illetve a regisztrációval kapcsolatos információk az alábbi linken érhetőek el:
PASCAL International Observatory Site Digest for 08/09/21
A PASCAL hírválogatása:
eucen Highlights | August 2021
Az eucen Higlights hírösszefoglalója:
eucen Highlights | August 2021
August 2021
eucen Highlights
Welcome to eucen’s monthly bulletin.
If you receive this message, it is because you have registered on our website or because you have requested to receive our newsletters. We hope you enjoy it!
The European Journal of ULLL (EJULL) Vol 5 No 1 is out! <>
We are happy to announce the publication of eucen’s new European Journal of University Lifelong Learning – EJULL. The volume includes 9 full papers from the Experts Seminar organised by eucen with Utrecht University, an editorial and an interview to Mirko Noordegraaf. We are proud of the new format and approach of the journal that helps us celebrating eucen’s 30th Anniversary! We hope you enjoy it and are encouraged to submit your work in the future.
TRANSVAL-EU project website and suvey <>
The TRANSVAL-EU project addresses the validation of non-formal and informal learning (VNFIL). eucen is member of the project’s Experts Board and will be actively contributing in two of the project work packages. Check out the TRANSVAL-EU website that is now available and will feature the project’s news and activities. And if you are interested in the topic, contribute answering the survey!
VET4EU2 webinars in French and Spanish <>
eucen in collaboration with the VENHANS project, is inviting you to two new VET4EU2 webinars in European languages.
Join us on 29 September 2021 at 15:00 CET for a French webinar about the Hubs for VET label (Campus des métiers et des qualifications), and on 06 October 2021 at 15:00 CET for a Spanish webinar on dual education in Spain.
Join the conference on Learning Cities and Regions <>
Register for the hybrid conference about „Connecting Creative, Smart and Inclusive Dimensions of Urban Developments Responses from Learning Cities and Regions” on 23 September 2021.
UIL International Review of Education <>
UIL’s latest issue of the International Review of Education – Journal of Lifelong Learning (IRE) considers lifelong learning in the context of a world coming to terms with COVID-19 and challenges some of the educational orthodoxies – the unfairness or insufficiency of which have been exposed by the crisis.
Learning city Conference in Global Learning City Pécs-Hungary for 23 September 2021
Dear Colleagues,
May I hereby send you the current version of the Programme of the Learning City Conference in Pécs-Hungary for 23 September 2021.
Venue: House of Civic Communities – Hybrid mode conference
I thank you for your kind engagement and having sent me your keynote working titles.
As for the two planned afternoon workshops for the day, we are opening registration for those who may want to participate with presentations referring to thematic focuses addressed.
The final programme will be ready for distribution by 13 September 2021.
May I ask yoo to share this attached draft as Programme to your colleagues, partner organisations and institutions to share info where to register to this event!
Registration for presenters into workshops and for participants will close on 8 September 2021.
All relevant info will be accessible here:
I am looking forward to your comments and reflections!
With all best regards,
Dr. Balázs Németh
Professor of Adult Learning and Education – University of Pécs
Senior Advisor of UNESCO Global Learning City Pécs Programme
UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning Bulletin, August 2021
Az UNESCO Lifelong Learning Intézet (UIL) aktuális hírlevele: