Monthly Archives: június 2022
Elm Magazine: What are the possibilities of learning by making for adults?
Megjelent az ELM Magazine hírlevele, részletek alább:
European Journal of University Lifelong Learning – EJULL 6(1)
Dear colleagues and friends,
I am very happy to inform you that the EJULL 6(1) journal has been formally published today in the eucen Studies website. This is the DOI that links you to the journal:
I would like to thank you very much for reviewing one of the papers that we received. It has been a pleasure working with you – we hope it has also been a positive experience for you and that we can collaborate again in the future.
We hope that you find this EJULL 6(1) issue well finished and useful. Please, feel free to share it with your colleagues and inform them about eucen. Our objective is to make the EJULL publications a useful tool in academia that gives visibility to lifelong learning at higher education level.
Very best wishes,
Carme Royo
Managing Editor
European Journal of University Lifelong Learning – EJULL
Oktatás és képzés az EU-ban és itthon – a Tempus Közalapítvány szakpolitikai hírlevele
Megjelent a Tempus Közalapítvány aktuális szakpolitikai hírlevele.
Részletek itt:
Téma: Spaces, institutions and actors: A mindenki számára elérhető Egészség-tanulás útja felé/Spaces, institutions ans actors: Towards a health learning pathwa for all
Időpont: 2022. szeptember 7.
További info: Learning cities webinar ‘Spaces, institutions and actors: Towards a health learning pathway for all’ | UIL (

UNESCO UIL Lifelong Learning Policy Handbook megjelenése_2022_06_17
2022. június 17-én jelenik meg az UNESCO UIL Lifelong Learning szakpolitikai kézikönyve a CONFINTEA VII idején Marrakesh-ben
További hírek itt:
Launch of UIL’s Making Lifelong Learning a Reality: A Handbook | UIL (