Put the PLUS into ERASMUS+ – include Adult Education! Elkészült az Európai Felnőttoktatási Társaság aktuális felhívása az ERASMUS+ program megújításához
Dear members,
In the next weeks and months, the first decisions about the next programme period of Erasmus+ will be taken. We therefore would encourage you to help us with lobbying – for adult education in Erasmus+, for more money for adult education as well as more money for Erasmus+ in general.
In the attachment you’ll find our flyer on ‘putting the plus into Erasmus+’ which lists arguments for adult education. Please feel free and encouraged to use it in your country!
I would also encourage you to support the general campaign to increase the Erasmus+ budget x10 – have a look at the website: http://erasmusx10.eu/ Please do sign the petition and inform others to do the same!
EAEA 2017_Put the Plus Into Erasmus+