Event Highlights: Missing Data and Inequities Summit
A NORRAG alábbi hírválogatása: https://mailchi.mp/99d013b60952/missing-data-inequities-summit-event-highlights?e=a58853b621
PASCAL International Observatory Site Digest for 04/03/24
A PASCAL Int. Observatory aktuális hírválogatása: https://us2.campaign-archive.com/?e=9f46982f08&u=ea43bac87ac57ae423e8456e7&id=4644932a3c
Új Munkaügyi Szemle 2024/1. szám megjelent
Tisztelt Olvasó!
Ezúton értesítem, hogy megjelent és már elérhető az Új Munkaügyi Szemle 2024./1. lapszáma.
Szerkesztőségünk továbbra is várja a kéziratokat:
Szabó Szilvia
eucen Highlights | February 2024
Az eucen program-ajánló aktuális verziója:
Welcome to eucen’s monthly bulletin!
If you are intending to attend the eucen Cork conference in May, please, read carefully the post below – the university accommodation is a very good option but rooms are limited: do not wait any longer and book your room! All the arrangements are in place and our hosts are waiting for us to arrive!
If you receive this message, it is because you have registered on our website or because you have requested to receive our newsletters. We offer you a selection of articles here that we think might be of interest to you. We hope you enjoy them!
LLLP Insights – Research in education & training
Az LLLP hírajánlója:
PASCAL International Observatory Site Digest for 27/02/24
PASCAL International Observatory Site Digest
In this week’s Digest:
* New Challenges for Higher Education, Cities and Regions: Addressing the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
* PASCAL Briefing Paper 22 – Harnessing Museums, Heritage and Education
* Webinar – Faith and Spirituality in Learning cities: Empathy & Sympathy of Human vs AI Moral Advisers in Cities
* Placemaking Week: Registration Now Open | Placemaking Round-Up
* How Can Urban Studies Enrich Urban Education in the U.S.? | The Urban Lens Newsletter
* NEP-SOC 2024-02-12, six papers
* ALCN Ripples – February 2024
* DECODE Project – a call for case studies
New Challenges for Higher Education, Cities and Regions: Addressing the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) https://pascalobservatory.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ea43bac87ac57ae423e8456e7&id=991151fc4e&e=9f46982f08
Investigating participation in adult learning and education: but how is it measured?
WEBINAR – Investigating participation in adult learning and education: but how is it measured?
A webinárium részletei és regisztráció az alábbi linken:
Dear All,
Here is a link to a webinar: Investigating participation in adult learning and education: but how is it measured? being organised by my colleague Professor Ellen Boeren on !3 March at 1200 GMT. It should be of interest to many of you interested in national policies. Please other RN co-ordinators pass this onto your networks
This webinar will present the audience to the ALE policies project, funded by the ESRC. The overall aim of the project is to investigate the knowledge base on adult education in the UK and Ireland, how participation has fluctuated over the past 25 years and how policy-makers use adult education data to feed into their policy processes. The webinar to take place on 13 March 2024 will introduce the audience to our review of survey programmes that include data on adult education issues. We will discuss differences in measurement and conceptualisation of adult education, drawing on insights from codebooks and questionnaires from the Learning & Work Institute’s Adult Participation in Learning survey, the OECD’s Programme for in International Assessment of Adult Competencies, the Eurostat Adult Education Survey and the Labour Force Survey. Throughout the presentation, we will investigate to what extent differences in methodologies and conceptual underpinnings lead to similar or different insights in the determinants of participation. The presentations will be followed by a Q&A session with the project’s team members from the University of Glasgow, the University of Nottingham and the Learning & Work Institute.
Press release: UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities – 64 new members from 35 countries
Az UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning legfrissebb közleménye: https://us12.campaign-archive.com/?u=aebf51bce1587180e03069025&id=8d67299458
RELA új száma
Megjelent az Európai Összehasonlító Felnőttoktatási Kutató Hálózat (ESREA) szakfolyóiratának legújabb tematikus száma – RELA (European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults):
Vol. 15 No. 1 (2024): Reflecting back to the past, present and future: The changing nature of research on access, learning careers and identity
részletek itt érhető el: https://rela.ep.liu.se/issue/current