Author Archives: Csuka Dalma Ilona

eucen Highlights | January 2023

February 2023eucen Highlights 
Welcome to eucen‘s monthly bulletin!
Last chance to send your abstracts for eucen’s 53rd conference in Utrecht – join us in the Netherlands, 31May-02June 2023!

Some new projects have started. Read below some details about these new works. And do not miss the opportunity to be tester of some of the tools that we are developing!

If you receive this message, it is because you have registered on our website or because you have requested to receive our newsletters. We offer you  a selection of articles here that we think might be of interest to you. We hope you enjoy them!  The first speakers for EUCEN 2023 have been announced!
During the conference European Commission Director-General Joost Korte will speak, along with other interesting speakers. You still have a few days to share your expertise with colleagues from around Europe at EUCEN 2023. Send in your contribution before March 1st!  PROMISE Kick-off Meeting
The PROMISE project consortium came together in-person for the first time in Krems (AT) on January 24-25. A collaboration between the University of Turku (FL), the University of Continuing Education Krems (AT), Universidad Complutense de Madrid (ES), Momentum (IE), the European E-learning Institute (DK) and eucen (BE), the project’s objective is to strengthen the ability of Higher Education Institutions to develop students’ entrepreneurial competences by introducing an innovative new skill set: Professional Noticing.  Partner UP First Meeting and Study Visit
The first face-to-face Transnational Partners Meeting and Study Visit of the Partner UP project took place in Zagreb (HR) from January 31st to February 2nd. The meeting brought together a consortium made up of partners from Greece, Cyprus, Latvia, Croatia, Italy, Romania and Ireland, as well as two European organisations (EAEA and eucen), to work together on the improvement of Upskilling Pathways across Europe.  BEQUEL Online Benchmarking Tool Launched
Are you a VET provider engaging in e-learning? Are you interested in finding out how your VET institution’s e-learning provision compares to other institutions within your own country and across Europe? Then make sure to check out the BEQUEL online benchmarking tool.  Call for nominations to The International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame
The Hall of Fame honours outstanding leaders in the field of adult and continuing education, who are distinguished as a scholar, practitioner or policy maker. If you know of anyone who could deserve this honour, nominate him/her!   Call for user testers for the DWEL Digital Wellbeing Report
Given the rapid digitalisation of Higher Education, it is important to consider how Higher Education Institutions’ are supporting their staff in maintaining their wellbeing in the digital sphere. This question is addressed in the DWEL project’s Report of the Digital Wellbeing in Higher Education Institutions, for which we are now recruiting user testers!   RECENT EUCEN PUBLICATIONS: The EJULL vol 6 no 2 from the Budapest conference is out!
We are pleased to inform you that the newest eucen publication is available now. This time the EJULL includes the papers from the 52nd eucen conference in Budapest (June 2022).
You will find the Editorial, six full papers and the interview Three questions to… We thank all the authors for their work. 

European Lifelong Learning Magazine_latest issue

Megjelent az European Lifelong Learning Magazine_száma: Resistance


Elm Elm – European lifelong learning magazine (

The win-win: work-based learning

Welcome to the 4th and final UniLab Newsletter! As the UniLab project comes to an end, this newsletter will provide an overview of the project activities and outputs, and highlight the achievements of the UniLab consortium over the past three years.

Find out more about this, and gain access to the resources and tools created as part of the project below! 

Új Munkaügyi Szemle 2023/1. száma

Tisztelt Kolléga! 

Ezúton tájékoztatjuk , hogy megjelent az Új Munkaügyi Szemle 2023/1. száma. 


Virág Imre: A bér szerepe a megtartásban

Sztányi-Szekér Barbara – Hőgye-Nagy Ágnes – Szemán-Nagy Anita: Jól-lét, élettel való elégedettség és a munka-család konfliktus közti kapcsolat a dolgozó anyák körében

Szittné Csányi Krisztina – Vass Vilmos: A kompetencia-alapú felnőttképzés/továbbképzés módszertani és szervezeti tapasztalatai a Budapesti Metropolitan Egyetemen

Katits Etelka – Magyari Katinka – Varga Zsuzsanna: A vállalati fordulatkezelési tanácsadás aktualitásai a fenntarthatósági elvek keretében

Szlamka Erzsébet: Új trendek a tanúsításban: a mikrotanúsítványok

Szatmáriné Balogh Mária: Mit és hogyan tanítsunk egyetemeken, a szakképzésben, a munkahelyeken tanulási eredmény- vagy kompetencia alapokon?

Lengyel Tünde: Multinacionális vállalat képzési rendszerének vizsgálata a vállalatok elvárásai és a felnőttkori tanulás összefüggésében

Cserni Vivien: Nők helyzete a munkaerőpiacon, esélyegyenlőség a 21. Században. A nők énmárkaépítése a munkaerőpiacon

Az Új Munkaügyi Szemle az alábbi linken érhető el:

Új Munkaügyi Szemle 

Feliratkozás a hírlevélre: 


Kérdés, megkeresés, vagy leiratkozás esetén kérjük írjon e-mailt az alábbi címre: 

Az idei számokhoz várunk még kéziratokat. Ha a folyóiratunkat választják, akkor kérjük Önöket, hogy a fenti e-mail címre küldjék el a kéziratokat, amelyeket a szerzői útmutató alapján készítsenek el.


Dr. Hollósy-Vadász Gábor

a Szerkesztőbizottság titkára

eucen Highlights | January 2023

January 2023eucen Highlights

Welcome to eucen’s monthly bulletin!
Welcome to 2023! We hope you have had a great start of the year!
Abstracts for the eucen 2023 conference in Utrecht are still accepted – do not miss the opportunity to submit your work and join us in the Netherlands, 31May-02June 2023!
We are also presenting some projects in Brussels in February – follow the links below and register.

If you receive this message, it is because you have registered on our website or because you have requested to receive our newsletters. We offer you  a selection of articles here that we think might be of interest to you. We hope you enjoy them!

Új HERJ lapszám a munkahelyi tanulásról az ASEM LLL HUB RN2 on Workplace Learning közreműködésével

Új HERJ lapszám a munkahelyi tanulásról az ASEM LLL HUB RN2 on Workplace Learning közreműködésével


Megjelent a HERJ – Hungarian Educational Research Journal legújabb száma a munkahelyi tanulás változó környezetéről és ennek aktuális jelenségeiről. Az ASEM LLL Hub Research Network2 részőről Karen Evans, Helen Bound és Erdei Gáboer szerkesztésében gondozott gyűjtés írásai a munkaelyi tanulás néhány izgalmas tényezőit elemzik, különös tekintettel a munkahelyi tanulások átalakuló világát érintő kihívásokra.

A tematikus írások az alábbi témákat hozzák előtérbe:

– Reconsidering the nature of the learning space in practically-based higher education: Innovative approaches to higher education in the UK context

– Internship learning as transactional sociomaterial experiences in media industry: What do undergraduate interns tell us?

– Creating spaces for engagement in meaningful activities

– Driving employee-driven innovation through workplace learning: The story of Singapore SMEs

– Researching informal workplace learning in the context of remote working in the post COVID-19 world

Ezeket kutatási elemzések követik az alábbi kontextusokban:

– The self-willed child – Basic needs and education in post-mythic times • Outlines of a responsive pedagogy

– Professional competencies and the continuing professional development needs of Technical, Vocational Education and Training (TVET) teachers in Kenya

Végül könyvismertetések/ book-review következnek:

– Pendulum Movements – History teaching in Hungary

– Bildungsbenachteiligung und Bildungserfolg: Roma im ungarischen Bildungssystem

A HERJ legújabb lapszáma hozzáférhető itt: Hungarian Educational Research Journal Volume 12 Issue 4: Workplace learning in changing contexts. Editors: Karen Evans, Helen Bound, and Gábor Erdei (2022) (

International Day of Education 2023: Education must be prioritized to accelerate progress towards the Global Goals

Az UNESCO UIL 2023/Januári hírlevele:

Megjelent az új EPALE közösségi történetek gyűjtemény!

Conference – Michel Alhadeff-Jones – From life history to rhythmanalysis: Rethinking the temporalities of lifelong learning, transformative and emancipatory processes in adult education

Dear all,

I would like to announce a conference by zoom that you may be interested in: 

„From life history to rhythm analysis: Rethinking the temporalities of lifelong learning, transformative and emancipatory processes in adult education”, by Michel Alhadeff-Jones (Sunkhronos Institute (Switzerland), University of Fribourg (Switzerland)/ Teachers College, Columbia University (USA) 

The conference will take place on the 2nd of February at 17.00 Portuguese time.  

If you are interested, please send an email to (António Fragoso). 

We are looking forward to your participation!

Best regards, 

Catarina Doutor

GNLC Newsletter, December 2022

Dear Reader,

Welcome to the winter edition of the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities (GNLC) newsletter. 

We are delighted to share with you the recent activities and events that demonstrate the progress and dynamism of the network, including a visit by mayors from the Republic of Korea to UNESCO learning cities in Germany and France and the key messages arising from the side event, ‘Greening TVET, adult learning and education’ organised by UIL at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 27). In addition, we share information about the upcoming International Day of Education, which we hope you will celebrate with us. 

In this newsletter, you will also find information on recent publications, updates on the work of the UNESCO GNLC, and upcoming events.

Wishing you an enjoyable read and a happy holiday season!