UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning Bulletin, August 2021

Az UNESCO Lifelong Learning Intézet (UIL) aktuális hírlevele: https://mailchi.mp/unesco/unesco-institute-for-lifelong-learning-bulletin-august-2021?e=8f25ba190e

PASCAL International Observatory Site Digest for 25/08/21

A PASCAL aktuális hírválogatása: https://us2.campaign-archive.com/?e=9f46982f08&u=ea43bac87ac57ae423e8456e7&id=9e93c89869

Here is the latest CR&DALL Site Digest for 05/08/21

A CR&DALL aktuális hírválogatása: https://us7.campaign-archive.com/?e=71570b58f7&u=6006287ada4a4e8ac881f6843&id=ce153bda8e

PASCAL International Observatory Site Digest for 10/08/21

A PASCAL Observatory aktuális hírválogatása: https://us2.campaign-archive.com/?e=9f46982f08&u=ea43bac87ac57ae423e8456e7&id=5004759a01

PASCAL International Observatory Site Digest for 03/08/21


eucen Highlights | July 2021

eucen Highlights | July 2021

July 2021

eucen Highlights
Welcome to eucen’s monthly bulletin.
If you receive this message, it is because you have registered on our website or because you have requested to receive our newsletters. We hope you enjoy it!

Have a great Summer holiday! <https://eucen.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2b2ffadb566f780f84be61ba7&id=09e6a86a51&e=3654e25d1c>
Summer has arrived and it is time to have a rest!
The eucen Secretariat will be partially closed during August. Please, if you are not in a hurry, wait until early September to contacting us. You can email the Secretariat for urgent matters, but we cannot guarantee a swift reply.
We wish you an excellent time!
See you in September!

[L&W] Latest news on European research in learning and work – FINAL edition: August 2021

Az L&W -wifo-gate aktuális augusztusi hírlevele: http://www.news.wifo-gate.org/

Invitation_ Learning City conference in hybrid mode in Pécs for Thursday, 23 September 2021.

Dear Colleagues,

May I hereby send you the draft programme of the Learning City Conference of Global Learning City Pécs for Thursday, 23 September!

Can you please share this info at the websites of your distinguished organisations/institutions in LLL for wider communities.

Connecting Creative, Smart and Inclusive Dimensions of Urban Developments

Responses from Learning Cities and Regions

Hybrid Format Conference on 23 September 2021

House of Civic Communities in Pécs (CKH), Hungary – www.ptf.ckh.hu

in Association with the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities

PASCAL International Observatory

ASEM LLL HUB Research Network on Learning Cities

the University of Pécs, MELLearN and EPALE Hungary

Registration: Conference Call | Tanuló Város Fesztivál 2021 (ckh.hu)

Thank you for your kind engagement and support!

With all best regards,

Dr. Balázs Németh

UNESCO Global Learning City Pécs Programme – Senior Specialist

Here is the latest CR&DALL Site Digest for 29/07/21

A CR&DALL aktuális hírválogatása: https://us7.campaign-archive.com/?e=71570b58f7&u=6006287ada4a4e8ac881f6843&id=09b37e4155

PASCAL International Observatory Site Digest for 20/07/21

A PASCAL aktuális hírválogatása: https://us2.campaign-archive.com/?e=9f46982f08&u=ea43bac87ac57ae423e8456e7&id=9a0860278b