Website for the online Seminar with USA

Az eucen webinar meghívója:

Hi everyone!

A very quick email to inform you that I have prepared a quick website for the Seminar in May. Here the link for you to have a look and for you also to disseminate when you want. All is in place!

Thanks a lot!

As keynote speakers, we have the names from one university in Europe (Aune VALK from Tartu, as we discussed) and the name from AAACE. I know that Universitat Pompeu Fabra will do the other presentation from Europe, but they still need to send their title and presenter’s name. Regarding UPCEA, no news from them yet.

I will keep you posted!

GNLC Webinars “UNESCO learning cities’ response to COVID-19”, 8 and 9 April 2020

Az UNESCO GNLC webinar felhívása:[UNIQID]&u=aebf51bce1587180e03069025&id=8a8e0af749

New theme issue: Adult Education and Mature Learners is out now!

Az ELM Magazine legújabb témaszáma, melynek címe: Adult Education and Mature Students:

eucen – UPCEA – AAACE joint on-line Webinar: University Lifelong Learning 4.§ – Meghívó

Az eucen + UPCEA + AAACE on-line Webinar meghívója:

Téma: How to survive in critical times? University Lifelong Learning 4.0

Időpont: 2020. május 28. (csüt.) 15:00 – 18:00 CET

Részletek itt:

Here is the latest CR&DALL Site Digest for 02/04/20

Az aktuális CR&DALL honlap hír-válogatása:

PASCAL International Observatory Site Digest for 31/03/20

A PASCAL honlap válogatása:

[epale newsletter] Online education and digital skills

A legújabb EPALE hírlevél:

[L&W] Latest news on European research in learning and work – April 2020

A L&W Newsletter 2020 áprilisi száma:

INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE: PIMA Webinar #2 Adult Learning and Education (ALE), Climate Crises and COVID-19: Critical Reflections from Australia

INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE: PIMA Webinar #2 Adult Learning and Education (ALE), Climate Crises and COVID-19: Critical Reflections from Australia
This will be led by a panel of Australian adult educators, scholars, and activists – Jenny Macaffer, Jim Falk and Robbie Guevara.  ‘Thought pieces’ recently published in Bulletin No. 29 by Jim and Jenny will form a starting point for discussion.   For anyone not able to be ‘in the webinar’ at the time, written questions or reflections will be welcome. The webinar will be recorded and a summary of the discussion will be carried in the next Bulletin.
Date: 08 Apr 2020 Time: Melbourne 4 pm; Singapore 2 pm; Mumbai 11.30 am; Cape Town 8 am; Germany 8 am; Vancouver 11 pm (7 April) ZOOM link

Webinar on Smart Data on 31 March 2020 – info and link to register

Dear colleagues,

We would like to share with the opportunity to participate in an online webinar on the use of Smart Data organised in the framework of the
Erasmus+ project Generation Data. Please find attached more information.

The activity will be held on Tuesday, 31 March, starting at 14:30
Central European Time.

You can register in advance at this link:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing
information about joining the webinar.

Please feel free to share this information with other people that you
think might be interested in it.