Monthly Archives: március 2021
PASCAL International Observatory Site Digest for 30/03/21
Az aktuális PASCAL hírválogatása:
[epale newsletter] New EPALE website coming in April 2021
Az új EPALE hírlevele:
We are ALE YouTUBE vide
Az ICAE (Nemzetközi Felnőttoktatási Tanács) által indított We are ALE kampány YouTUBE videójának linkje:
We are a global alliance of networks, associations and organisations for adult learning and education (ALE). We recognise the fundamental importance of ALE for justice, well-being and change. While Agenda 2030 identifies lifelong learning (LLL) as critical to attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), ALE which is a significant part of LLL, is largely invisible. For ALE to be seen, understood and valued, we need to advocate for greater involvement and investment by governments, donors, private sector, international organizations, and social movements. For the first time, an open alliance of ALE partners created and accepted a common global definition and a vision of adult learning and education. The ALE campaign strives to unite ALE advocates, organisations, and practitioners including health, workplaces, communities, universities, and media, to support the campaign and together strive for a healthier planet and a better world. More information on
Here is the latest CR&DALL Site Digest for 25/03/21
A CR&DALL aktuális hírválogatása:
PASCAL International Observatory Site Digest for 23/03/21
A PASCAL Observatory aktuális hírválogatása:
Elm Magazine newsletter – What does the future of adult education look like?
Az ELM Magazine aktuális hírlevele:

PASCAL International Observatory Site Digest for 16/03/21
A PASCAL Observatory aktuális hírválogatása:
A könyvbemutató elérhetősége a következő:
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 860 0147 3624 Passcode: 896987

Here is the latest CR&DALL Site Digest for 11/03/21
A CR&DALL aktuális hírválogatása: